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All the while a small-town Sheriff is hunting them down, attempting to run them out of his town and expose them as “freaks”.įull of glittering gowns, metallic lashes, and wigs (with bangs, as lace fronts had yet to be invented), To Wong Foo’s leads are distinctive characters with their own style and personalities. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything boasts a surprising cast of Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze, and John Leguizamo in a film that answers the age-old question of why is that little boy in drag crying? The Dirty Dancing and Blade actors star as two accomplished drag queens, Vida Boheme and Noxeema Jackson, who take an aspiring “drag princess”, Chi-Chi Rodriguez, under their wing and the three embark on a cross-country trip to compete in the Drag Queen of America contest.

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